How to solve cash flow problems in your performance marketing agency

Running a performance marketing agency can feel like a juggling act. One of my clients, managing over $100k in monthly media spend, was overwhelmed by lumpy cash flow, unexpected tax bills, and tough negotiations with bigger players.

The issue? Their cash flow was unpredictable, making them vulnerable to risk and sleepless nights.

Here’s how we turned it around:

  • Cash Flow Forecasting: We built a real-time cash flow model, giving visibility on upcoming inflows and outflows.
  • Tax Planning: we implemented profit first to have cash set aside and minimize unexpected tax hits.
  • Negotiation Power: Shifted the conversation with clients to ensure smoother payments and better terms.

This approach gave them peace of mind and the ability to scale their agency without stressing over cash flow.

Key Takeaway: Managing cash flow in an agency is all about predictability. Get control over your inflows and outflows, and you’ll sleep better at night.

Want to learn more? Check out the full video for a deeper dive into how we made it happen.

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